““Do not tell me how educated you are, tell me how far you have traveled.” ”

We are retirement-aged globetrotters, traveling to unusual places around the world. We like to learn by reading books about the places and people we visit.
We love to travel, to hike and to read. I, Margriet, am a writer of over 40 books for children and am often invited to speak about my books, about writing and literacy, at international schools around the world. We combine these work trips with sightseeing and meeting locals. My husband Kees is a retired park ranger. He attended the National Park Training Academy in the Grand Canyon, was Director of Yukon Parks and and managed park systems in Oregon, BC and other places. We have lived in several countries and moved 27 times.
We don’t usually use group tours and book all of our own trips and accommodations. We try to travel environmentally aware and on a budget. The goal of this blog is to take you along on our travels, to share our experiences and to encourage you to explore the world - in person or through books. Our travels often involve (long distance) hikes. In no way do we pretend to really know a place after just a short visit. Our stories reflect what we experience and we hope they encourage you, too, to experience the richness of travel and meeting different cultures. We are always looking for local books about the places we visit. Like a good wine, we pair these with the countries we highlight.
Especially under today’s circumstances, I try to keep in mind this quote from Rick Antonson’s book To Timbuktu for a Haircut: ‘No one is promised another journey. Enjoy the one you’re on!’
As we travel, we try to help others by bringing along clothing, books and supporting literacy efforts in countries where it is needed. Click the ‘Literacy Projects’ button to find out what you can do to make a difference.
Margriet with students in Mongolia